Now is the time to start making those major career leaps toward the promotion you have always wanted. Or, take your breakup as a chance to ace your finals. It’s also fun to try something new, like finally getting yoga- certified and teaching classes at your favorite studio. I find that gaining new perspective by volunteering or doing community service helps me to get my mind off silly things that don’t matter. Try becoming a big sis at your local Boys & Girls club. Getting busy will help you to focus on the challenges and adventures in your own life.
It will also help to eliminate those moments when you are bored, thinking too much, and getting dangerously close to sending a (regretful) text to Mr. Also, don’t forget to lean on your friends and family. They’re the ones who love you the most and they will make you feel that way too. Step #5: Be your best self! Now it’s time to give yourself a little TLC! If you have been down on yourself or feeling worthless, turn that around and start loving yourself again.
Start showing your body some love too. The best revenge against your ex is looking fabulous. More importantly, it will make you feel great about yourself.
Being lazy and eating junk food never makes a girl feel her best (the first weekend of the breakup is the one exception!). Get off your couch, get to the gym, and get on a healthy track.
Sweating it out at the gym will also leave you tired and help you sleep more. Also, get your nails done, go shopping, treat yourself to a massage. Or even better, take your girlfriends on that trip to Cabo you had been planning to go on with your ex. You will gain a newfound sense of self- confidence, and you- know- who will want to crawl into a hole the next time he sees you looking fit, happy and fabulous. After you complete all of these steps necessary to surviving your breakup, it is important to keep one thing in mind: have faith!
Don’t become a cynic who thinks girls rule, boys drool, and true love just doesn’t exist. Know that this heartbreak is a rite of passage in life. If you can’t have faith that something great will come along again, then really, what’s the point?!
I hope these tips helped and I’d love to know? What’s the worst heartbreak you’ve ever been though?